Edizioni Q - Universitaria

Edizioni Q Edizioni Q
Language and public culture
Language and Public Culture is a valuable resource for the study of English. Well structured and accessible to students and scholars alike, it draws on a variety of political and media texts to enhance critical reading. The volume is divided into two parts and approaches linguistic analysis from the vantage point of the most recent debate on central cultural issues, such as power and gender. G. F. (Mena) Mitrano holds Ph. D.’s from Rutgers University and from Sapienza University of Rome. She has taught composition at the University of Maryland in Europe (UMUC), language and translation at the University of Cassino, and, in recent years, language courses at Sapienza University of Rome. She is the author of Gertrude Stein: WomanWithout Qualities (Ashgate 2005) and the coeditor of The Hand of the Interpreter: Essays on Meaning after Theory (Peter Lang 2008).

ISBN: 9788890076558, pp. 206, € 12,5
Edizioni Q Edizioni Q Edizioni Q